First Posted: 5/30/2007

Parents often rely upon responsible youth to watch their children. Responsible youth ages 11-15 who are interested in learning more about the children they care for can attend the Babysitting Beginnings program being offered by Penn State Cooperative Extension of Lackawanna County. Through Babysitting Beginnings, a 4-H program, youngsters will learn how to solve problems, keep children safe and happy, as well as how to talk to parents, and become skilled in first aid.
Program over two evenings on June 7 and 14 from 6 to 9 p.m. in the Penn State Cooperative Extension Office, in the basement of the County Administration Building, 200 Adams Ave. Cost: $20 per person for non 4-H members and $10 for current 4-H members. This is a 4-H program and the registration fee does include 4-H enrollment fees. Space is limited, so registration will be taken on a first call-first pay basis. To register, call Penn State Cooperative Extension at 963-6842 by May 31. Penn State is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity and the diversity of its workforce.