Members of Clarks Summit Borough Council met for the groundbreaking of the Depot Street Improvement Project on Friday, June 10. Through the use of a Community Development Block Grant, the scope of the project will include installing ADA-compliant handicap accessible sidewalks, repaving the road, repositioning parking meters to allow for more spaces, the addition of period lighting and landscaping work. From left, first row, Clarks Summit Borough Council Vice President Herman Johnson, former Clarks Summit Councilman Roy Davis, Lackawanna County Compliance Manager John Petrini, Clarks Summit Councilman Pat Williams, Clarks Summit Councilman Dominic Scott, Engineer Robert Naegele, of Colwell-Naegele Associates, Inc. Second row, Clarks Summit Councilman David Jenkins, Clarks Summit Council President Gerrie Carey and Clarks Summit Mayor Patty Lawler. Tomkavage | Abington Journal