CLARKS SUMMIT — A large number of UFOs are headed to the Abington Community Library – but not the flying kind.

Library patrons will bring their “un-finished objects” in for a day-long event, which may even turn into an all-nighter.

UFO Day at the Library will be held from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday, April 22. For a donation of $50 towards the NEPA Match Day fund drive, the library will provide the space, snacks, lunch and dinner. And if 12 hours isn’t enough time to turn those UFOs into “finished objects,” library staff members are willing to stay to allow people to continue working through the night, for an additional $50, with breakfast included.

All NEPA Match Day donations will be matched by the Scranton Area Foundation. And if just 20 people participate in UFO Day at the library, the library will reach its minimum goal of $1,000, which will then double. All proceeds benefit the library.

The UFOs can be anything from knitting to books or whatever a person wishes to work on undisturbed.

Library director Leah Rudolph plans to bring in her genealogy research.

“All of us who have registered for this have found ourselves working on a project at home, and the hours just fly by,” she said. “And your spouse will be saying, ‘Come on, it’s midnight. Put that down and come to bed.’ I’m like that with my genealogy. I’ve stayed up until one in the morning, looking for (genealogical information), and this way at least I’ll be doing it in the company of others until 10 at night.”

The Radgoski family, of Covington Township, also signed up for the event, and Yvonne Radgoski plans to use the time for quilting. Her adult son Ryan plans to work on painting a set of gaming miniatures and her husband Richard will do the same, as well as work on some modeling.

“I’m very excited about it,” Yvonne said, adding she regularly attends the library’s monthly craft day.

She compared the upcoming event to a mini family vacation.

“I love being able to help the library and I love this Match Day idea,” she said. “I think it’s awesome.”

Rudolph expressed the same sentiment.

“It’s like making a donation to the library, but you’re getting lunch, you’re getting dinner, you’re getting snacks and you’re not going to be interrupted,” she said. “You’ll be here after hours on a Saturday night – because once we close at 5, people can still stay and have dinner and another five hours. What a fun way to raise money – something different – and provide a benefit to some of our patrons.”

For more information or to register for the event, call the library at 570-587-3440. More info may also be obtained online at
Event will be Scranton Area Foundation NEPA Match Day fundraiser

By Elizabeth Baumeister

Reach Elizabeth Baumeister at 570-704-3943 or on Twitter @AbingtonJournal.