Pictured are those who helped organize the spaghetting and meatball dinner. First row, from left: Linda Wettstein, Paula Thompson, Maria Ayes, and Sandra Craig. Second row: Laura McLane, Carol Petrauskas, Wendy Mangan, Gail Walsh, Kathy Schwartztrauber, Barbara Singleman and Ellen Lahey.
The Abington Memorial VFW Post 7069 Auxiliary will be hosting their annual spaghetti and meatball dinner on Saturday, Nov. 12, from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. or until sold out.
This event benefits the Past Post Commander Robert Kromko Scholarship fund.
Advanced pre-sale tickets are recommended and available at the Post after 3:00 pm or by calling (570) 586-9821 or (570) 881-0273