CLARKS SUMMIT – At the December Clarks Summit Council meeting, Borough Manager Virginia Kehoe said that Griffin Pond Animal Shelter sent a letter requesting $110 for each arrival that is brought in by a resident or community member. She mentioned that council owes $440 based on last year’s numbers.
According to the letter, the shelter doesn’t receive any local, federal, or state grants.
“They’re (shelter) entirely dependent on donations,” Kehoe said.
Kehoe explained that if council doesn’t pay starting in January, the shelter won’t accept animals from the community anymore. She said that the shelter won’t give the police the combination for the drop-off box for weekends.
Council President Gerrie Carey asked to let Griffin Pond Animal Shelter know that this is a contribution from council so that it doesn’t exceed $440. Kehoe replied that she can request it to be a flat rate. Councilman Josh Mitchell suggested sending the shelter a check for $500 annually.
Kehoe agreed to donate $500 while she negotiates for next year.
“Offering a flat rate is a great start,” she said.
Council voted to donate $500 to the Griffin Pond Animal Shelter.
In other business, Councilman David Jenkins announced that the Abington Heights School District and South Abington Township would like council to become partners in obtaining a grant to correct the storm sewer runoff at Abington Heights High School, including Noble Road.
“They felt that if two municipalities and another governmental agency, or school district were to go in on this, that the chances of getting the grant would increase at least threefold,” he said.
Jenkins said that Kehoe made a resolution if council agrees to it. He said that the school district hopes to have this started in 2023. Kehoe added that any improvement would save the Abington Regional Wastewater Authority money, and it will be uphill for Council. Jenkins said that it will benefit the sewer authority as well.
“If we spend $500,000, at least 15% has to come out of the applicant’s pocket,” she said. “It would cover work that we probably end up doing anyway.”
Council voted to approve Resolution 2022-15 for the sewer grant.
In other business, Kehoe mentioned that council is eligible for an art grant of $100 from Lackawanna County with no match, and The Gathering Place is asking council to donate it for an art show displaying artworks by high school students.
Council voted to apply for the grant and give it to The Gathering Place.
In other business:
• Council voted to award the tax anticipation note to Wayne Bank for the amount of 2.95%.
• Council voted to adopt the budget of the general fund, sewer fund, fire fund, and liquid fuels fund with no tax increase.
• Council voted to approve the increase of rates to the engineering firm, Colwell-Naegele.