SOUTH ABINGTON TOWNSHIP – At the December South Abington Township supervisors’ meeting, the supervisors set the tax millage for 2023 with no increase.
Township manager David O’Neill announced that the following rates: 13.75 mils for general purposes; 1.75 mils for fire protection; 1 mil for acquisition/maintenance operation improvement; 1 mil for the purchase of road equipment. A mill is $1 in tax for every $1,000 in assessed value.
“They’re (rates) identical to last year,” he said.
Secretary Jo Ann Pane announced the budget to be $7.7 million.
The supervisors voted to approve Resolution 2022-14, which approves the tax rates. They also voted to approve the budget.
In other business, O’Neill explained the contracts with both Ransom Township and Newton Township. He said that they increased the price significantly after a study last year.
“This year, we went with the increase of what the salary increase for the officers, which is two-percent,” he said. “Our billing will be two-percent higher than it was last year per hour.”
The supervisors voted to approve Resolution 2022-15 approving Ransom Township’s police coverage and 2022-16 approving Newton Township’s police coverage.