CLARKS SUMMIT – During January’s Clarks Summit Council meeting, council voted to reappoint the following members of the following organizations:

• Greg Kozar and June Burns to the Abington Area Joint Recreation Board (AAJRB).

• Dave Jones to civil service.

• Ed Yasinskas to the planning commission.

• Sally Mahady and Dave Gaspar to the Shade Tree Commission.

In other business, borough manager Virginia Kehoe said that she spoke with planning department manager Mary Liz Donato from the Lackawanna County Planning Commission, who told her that the city of Scranton updated their draft ordinance, in which they expect to pass, about joining SAPA (Scranton-Abingtons Planning Association).

“It’s going to be a month or so before they can vote on it,” said Kehoe. “But they fully anticipate it to be done.”

Kehoe said that once Scranton passes the ordinance to join SAPA, the borough of Dunmore will join as well.