Spring has sprung and Dalton Community Library is looking forward to upcoming programs and activities for the month of April.
We are pleased to announce our Spring Book and Bake sale will be held on April 15 from noon to 2 p.m. in the parking lot of McGrath’s Pub, directly across from the library. We are still taking donations and greatly appreciate all the support from our patrons and the Dalton community.
There are two County programs that will be presented this month in our library in recognition at of Lackawanna County Library System’s 40th Anniversary. On Thursday, April 20 at 6 p.m., local historian Larry Cook will be presenting a program which is open to all patrons and is entitled “All in the Presidents’ Family’. We also have a Young Adult program called Countryside Teen Bingo, which will be held at 6 P.M. on Monday, April 24. Teens ages 12-17 are invited to participate. Please call the library to register for both programs. 570-563-2014
Our Kids’ Time program began at the end of March and will go on for eight weeks. We meet every Thursday from 4 to 5 p.m. The children will be learning basic comprehension in communication ASL (American Sign Language) as well as some basic Chinese. Immediately following Kids’ Time, our Young Adults meet from 5 to 6 p.m.
We offer a series of Acrobatics which entails games such as Chinese Checkers, Stratego and we offer Wu’s Paddle Club. Also, we have a Young Adult Chess Club.
Our Saturday Spotlight reading group will meet this month on April 29 from 10:30 to noon. Our light will shine on ‘Remarkably Bright Creatures’ by Shelby Van Pelt as our reading selection this month.
Every Tuesday from 10 a.m. to noon, our Bridge group meets for a morning of challenges and entertainment. Any patron is welcome to join to either brush up on their skills or learn some new moves.
Dalton Community Library Board wishes to thank all whom participated in the Flower Basket Fund-Raiser. Baskets ordered will be ready for pick-up sometime in May.
It is nice to see new faces and increased activity these days in the library.