Can you believe it’s June already?
We are fast approaching the halfway point of 2023. The school year is nearly over and many of us are looking forward to summer break and vacation time to recharge, relax and enjoy the sunshine
and warm weather.
Dalton Community Library has been busy this bpring.
For two weeks in May we hosted a photographic display by Leela Baikadi. The display was titled, ‘Eye on India’, celebrating the beauty and cultural significance of India. This also included a children’s program and was very well received. A Dalton Young Adult participant was the winner in the LCLS bookmark contest “What does Kindness look like” held last month! The LCLS Bean stack Summer Reading Quest for all ages will be held June 20 to August 12. Dalton Community Library’s Summer Kids’ Time program will begin on Thursday, June 22, at 4 p.m. and will run for eight weeks. The first two weeks of the Kids’ time program will continue with sign language and Chinese. For month the of July we will have special art and music programming and in August we will be concentrating on coding. The Young Adult group will follow along with Chess, Chinese Checkers and mind- expanding games and will be held at 5 p.m. after the Kids’ Time programming.
Saturday Spotlight will be going on hiatus for the summer. We will start up again on Sept. 30. ‘The Extraordinary Life of Sam Hell’ by Robert Dugoni has been chosen for our next book for discussion. Happy Reading.
The Bridge group has decided to be active for the Summer. They meet weekly 10 to noon every Tuesday. They look forward to getting together for a good challenge. Any patron is welcome. Please join us!
Please stay tuned for next month’s column as we will have more information on July’s programs. You can also watch Dalton Community Library’s Facebook page as we publish information there also. If you have any questions on upcoming events, please call the library, 570-563-2014.
Keep us in mind if you are down-sizing. We are accepting book donations throughout the summer. This year our Fall Book and Bake Sale will be held the third week of October..
Enjoy the month of June and safe travels, if you are going out of town. Come visit the library and see what new items we have to offer.