• Walk and Explore: Mushroom Foraging for Beginners – noon, Oct. 10.
Brian and Neil from Foragers Kingdom will take a group on site to search for mushrooms. Meet at University of Scranton boat tent launch in Lackawanna State Park. Call 570-881-7612 for directions. Registration required. Cost $15.
• Traditional Meat Ravioli and Marinara Sauce – 6 p.m., Oct. 10.
Chef Paula Lamberton teaches her delicious recipes for meat ravioli and marinara sauce. Class will enjoy a classic meal. Cost $40.
• Watercolor Workshop – Five Wednesdays – Oct. 11,18, 25, Nov. 1, 8 at 2 p.m.
Join Darlene Mulas and discover the wonders of watercolor. Fun experimentation and guided application will show the various properties of the medium. Emphasis on technique. For more info, supply list (bring your own or purchase from instructor) or to register, visit http://www.gatheringplacecs.org.
Cost $60 plus supply fee.
• Ciabatta Bread and Pesto – 1 p.m. on Oct. 11.
Join Lakshmi Mizen and learn to mix, proof and bake ciabatta dough. Whip up a batch of pesto and enjoy some Burrata basil and tomato sandwiches. Cost $35.
• Conversational Spanish -Six Wednesdays – Oct. 11, 18, 25, Nov. 1, 8, 15 at 7 p.m.
Learn a new language or brush up your Spanish with Yamila Silva, PH.D. professor of Spanish. Interactive class will explore the basics of the language and Latin American culture. Cost :$60.
• Local HIstory: the Abington Clarion and Beyond – noon, Oct. 18.
Local historian Dennis Martin will examine the controversy surrounding the building of a new high school , then a short, illustrated history of the school district’s growth. Registration required. Cost $5.
• How to Grow Your Social Media Following – 6:30 p.m. on Oct. 19.
Learn simple, easy to implement strategies to grow your brand and personal following. Brady Funkhauser of Grip Social Media will instruct. Cost $15.
• KIds: Exploring the Wonders of Felt – Three Tuesdays: Oct 10,17, 24 at 3:30 p.m.
Emily Rancier will show students how to make a unique piece of felt each week: banner, balls, geodes and scarf using wool roving, yarn, soap and water, and hand power. Cost : $20 plus $10 supply fee. .
• Kids Cooking: Tacos – 5 p.m., Oct. 16.
Chef Spencer Atkins will guide students in making their own chicken and beef tacos with homemade tortillas. Cost $25.
• Needlefelt a Little Christmas Mouse – Three Thursdays: Oct. 5, 12, and 19 at 6 p.m..
Susan Segall will show h ow to needle felt a little holiday-ready mouse. Experience is helpful but not necessary. Cost : $35 plus $10 supply fee.
• Nature Printing Workshop – 6-8 p.m., Oct. 26.
Christine Medley, Marywood University, will present a Nature Printing workshop using a small portable etching press, ink leaves and botanicals to press on paper and textiles. Cost $30 plus $10 supply fee.
• The Cemeteries of the Abingtons – noon, Oct. 26.
Julia Manwarren will present a talk and virtual tour of the cemeteries in the Abington community. Hear stories beyond the grave and what cemeteries can tell us about like long ago. Cost $5.
• Cooking Breakfast for and by Kids – 10 a.m., Oct. 28.
Have your children learn to make you breakfast. Spencer Atkings will teach them how to make pancakes and eggs easy in the morning, plus cut up fruit on their own Cost $25.
• Missing Socrates – noon, Oct. 25, Nov. 8, 22.
Casual conversations about ideas central to American self-understanding led by Dr. Hal Baillie, Ph.D. Cost $5.
For more information or to register for classes visit http://www.gatheringplacecs.org.