Actors Circle continues its 42nd season with “The Woman in Black” adapted by Stephen Mallatratt from the gothic novel by Susan Hill. Directed by Margo Azzarelli, the show will be presented at Providence Playhouse, 1256 Providence Road, Scranton, on Nov. 9, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19.
This ingenious, bare-bones adaptation of Susan Hill’s Gothic novel — a long-running hit in London — allows audiences to take charge of their fear.
Showtimes are Thursday, Fridays, and Saturdays at 7PM, Sundays at 2PM. Tickets are $15 General, $12 Seniors, and $10 Students. Thursday, NOV 9, all tickets are $10. Pay cash at the door or prepay online through Reservations: 570-342-9707, held 10 mins. until showtime.
This is presented through special permission by Concord Theatricals, and special grants from The Lackawanna County for the Arts and Culture, the Scranton Area Foundation for the Arts, Sam’s Club Dickson City, and Walmart (Taylor, and Dickson City).