Actors Circle will continue its 42nd season with the dark comedic gothic thriller, “Ravenscroft” by Don Nigro. The show will be presented on January 11 though 14 and 19 through 21 at Providence Playhouse, 1256 Providence Road in Scranton.
Show times are 7 p.m. on Thursday, Fridays and Saturdays and 2 p.m. on Sundays.
Tickets are $15 general admission, $12 for seniors and $10 for students. All tickets for the Thursday, Jan. 11, show will be $10.
Pay cash at the door or prepay online through Reservations can be made at 570-342-9707 and will be held 10 minutes until showtime.
Directed by Kate Martin and produced by Cathy Rist Strauch and Jeff Ginsberg, the cast includes Eric Lutz, April Holgate, Jessi Teevan, Courtney McCreary, Britt Demming and Marnie Azzarelli. Justin O’Hearn is stage manager. Joe and Karen Sadowski are Royalty Sponsors.
The play is presented through special permission by Concord Theatricals and special grants from the Lackawanna County for the Arts and Culture, Sam’s Club Dickson City and Walmart (Taylor and Dickson City).
The psychological drama is a thinking person’s gothic thriller, a dark comedy that is both funny and frightening. On a snowy night, Inspector Ruffing is called to a remote house to investigate the headlong plunge of Patrick Roarke down the main staircase. There he becomes involved in the lives of five alluring and dangerous women.