RANSOM TOWNSHIP – During March’s supervisors’ meeting, John Hambrose, Alliance Landfill’s community relations coordinator, told the supervisors the company plans to ask the state for a major permit modification for the landfill to allow a receipt of PCB (polychlorinated biphenyls) bulk waste materials such as window glazing, shellac, and sealants that were used in buildings between 1950 to 1979.

He mentioned that they need to be collected as a sample. He said that the material hasn’t been included in the permit for residual waste since Alliance Landfill has been opened years ago.

“We want to add that,” he said. “We believe it’s a line of business that we might be able to develop.”

When asked by volunteer Edmund Scacchitti about the cost to collect the materials, Hambrose replied that it will likely be more expensive due to lab sampling and reporting it to the state.

In other business, the supervisors voted to enter into an agreement with the NEIC (Northeast Inspection Consultants) to complete the building code enforcement services for the 2024 year. Cost to be paid by applicant.

In his treasury report, supervisor Dave Bird announced the following budgets: general fund, $1,971,557.99; liquid fuels, $791,835.71; revenues, $40,350.64; expenditures, $71,301.70.

Recycling for February was 5.13 tons.