MAYFIELD — Parishioners of St. John’s Cathedral, Mayfield, are holding a shoe collection at the church center, 701 Hill St.

If you have worn, but not abused shoes, boots, sandals, sneakers, flip flops, etc., and are considering getting rid of them from your closet, please consider donating them to the parish. The local church has individuals organizing a project of donating footwear to underprivileged countries.

Please bring items to the foyer of St. John’s. There is a box marked “SHOE DONATIONS” in the foyer where donations can be placed.

Please make sure pairs are kept together (tie shoelaces together or tie sandals /flip flops with rubber bands or string. All sizes and styles (children/adults, men/women’s) will be accepted.

These shoes will be sent to needy families. The collection will take place until the end of August. For more information, contact the rectory at (570)876-0730.