Marywood University’s Office of Professional Continuing Education in collaboration with the Art Therapy Department will hold its annual Art Therapy Symposium titled, “Exploring Personal Narratives through Paper-making in Museum-Based Art Therapy,” from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Friday, March 27 in the Upper Main Dining Hall in the Nazareth Student Center on the university’s campus.

This year’s event will highlight museum-based art therapy as a collaborative community-based practice that offers inclusive educational opportunities and therapeutic services that benefit the health and wellbeing of individuals from diverse socioeconomic, cultural, and ability backgrounds. An overview of narrative approaches using the papermaking process will be highlighted for the purpose of exploring identity issues, family issues, grief and loss, memory recall or reminiscence work with ageing populations among others. Participants will actively engage in the papermaking experientials that use handmade paper to explore the narrative processes such as poetry, gems, and handmade journals. Participants will also incorporate reflective writing experiences connecting perceptions with gallery works and contribute to a collaborative experiential work.

Those professionals who are encouraged to attend include: addiction counselors, art therapists, audiologists, certified case managers, counselors, educators, music therapists, prevention specialists, psychologists, social workers, speech-language pathologists and professionals seeking information in this field

The program fee is $125, and includes continental breakfast, lunch and continuing education credits. Registration can be made online at; by mail with check made out to Marywood University, mail to: Professional Continuing Education, Marywood University, 2300 Adams Avenue, Scranton, Pa. 18509; Register by fax, if your agency is paying for the registration, please include an authorization letter to bill the agency, at fax (570) 961-4798, or register by phone with Visa, MasterCard, or Discover by calling (570) 340-6061.

The program offers 6.0 contact hours for professionals seeking continuing education credits. Marywood faculty, staff and student discounts are available by emailing For additional information and the complete continuing education credit listing please visit our event page or contact the Office of Professional Continuing Education, at, or by calling 570-340-6061.