WAVERLY — Because of the coronavirus pandemic causing a ban on large gatherings, the Waverly Community House decided to cancel the annual Breakfast with the Bunny, which was scheduled for Saturday, April 4.

According to officials with the Comm, the Easter Bunny was sad to not be able to see the “wonderful children,” who visit him and get their picture taken with him during the event.

But the cotton-tailed character offered an alternative: He decided that he will stand and wave from the front steps of the Comm to parents and children passing through Abington Road on April 4 from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.

This event is called “Drive-by Bunny,” and it will serve as a substitute to the breakfast.

The Comm’s staff will be on hand, suitably distant from each other. The Waverly Police will be there to keep the traffic flowing smoothly.

The proud sponsors, who sponsor the breakfast, will donate their sponsorships to this event as well as all of the other community and recreational programs held at the Comm. They are: Karam Orthodontics, Toyota Scranton, Realty Network, Constantino’s Events and Catering, and Waverly Preschool.

The Bunny wanted the children to have a very “hoppy” Easter despite not having the breakfast. He thought this would be the best way for him to say hello while staying safe in compliance with the government orders.

“The bunny is mindful of social distancing, and looks forward next year when he can meet everyone again at the bunny breakfast, ” said Maria Wilson, executive director of the Comm. “For now, wave!”

The Easter Bunny is seen outside the Waverly Community House. In lieu of ‘Breakfast with the Bunny,’ which was scheduled for Saturday, April 4, the bunny will respect social distancing guidelines and wave to families who drive by.
https://www.theabingtonjournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/web1_Waverly-Community-House_Drive-By-Bunny_2020.jpgThe Easter Bunny is seen outside the Waverly Community House. In lieu of ‘Breakfast with the Bunny,’ which was scheduled for Saturday, April 4, the bunny will respect social distancing guidelines and wave to families who drive by. Submitted
Famous rabbit will wave to children passing Waverly Community House

By Ben Freda

For Abington Journal