







WAVERLY — At its Annual Meeting on Monday, June 3, the Waverly Community House introduced four new trustees to its Board: Laura Acker, Chris Calvey, Kris Fendrock and Matt Nealon.

The newly appointed Trustees replace outgoing Board members Tim Atkins, Jeffrey Haudenschield, Thomas Hillebrand and Marisa Nalevanko.

Laura Acker grew up in Waverly. She attended The Comm preschool as a child. Currently her daughter participates in the Tots & Toddlers Music Program. Laura is an attorney, and partner in the Corporate & Financial Services Department of Willkie Farr & Gallagher. She has a Bachelor of Science Degree from Cornell University and her Juris Doctorate from the University of California, San Francisco.

Chris Calvey, Jr. lives in Clarks Summit and is a Supervisor at Jennings-Calvey Funeral Home. Chris is a very involved community member with a wide reach. Chris participates in Comm programs and events. He is a graduate of Valley Forge Military Academy and College and has two Bachelor of Science Degrees in Accounting and Business Administration from Villanova University. Chris began his career at KPMG, LLP in the audit practice.

Kris Fendrock is a Partner at Myers Brier and Kelly, LLP where she focuses her practice on providing people and businesses with legal and planning advice. Kris advises individuals in general estate planning matters and in complicated wealth restructuring designed to reduce income and estate taxes. She is a practitioner of business law – which covers all the legal issues and practices involved in building and running companies and organizations. She works with non-profit organizations like The Comm, providing guidance in governance and tax-related matters.

Kris holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin and a Juris Doctorate, cum laude, from the Pennsylvania State University, Dickinson School of Law. Kris is currently the Vice-Chair of the Johnson College Board of Directors. In the past, she served as a Board Member on the United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties and a volunteer for the VITA income tax-preparation program.

Matt Nealon recently moved back to the Abington’s after living in Chicago. He grew up going to The Comm as a child and now he brings his daughter to programs and events. He has a Bachelor of Science Degree in accounting from the University of Scranton and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from The University of Notre Dame. Matt is a CPA and is Managing Director and Head of Closed-End Fund Business Development at Nuveen.

Every year the Executive Committee has the pleasure of selecting someone for the much-coveted Volunteer of the Year Award. This award is bestowed on an individual who best exemplifies the tradition of service and excellence that is The Comm. This year’s Volunteer of the Year is Eric Pareis.

Often called “The Clock Whisper,” Eric came to The Comm fifteen years ago after hearing that the clock in the clock tower had stopped working. We gratefully accepted his offer to repair the clock and keep it operating. Eric is a true professional and a master technician and The Comm is lucky to have him.

To learn more about the Waverly Community House and its many programs, classes and special events or to offer your services as a volunteer, visit www.waverlycomm.org.