At the Farm to Family Fest, from left: Steven Monahan, McGrath’s Pub; Betsy Bonczar, Beta Bread; and Charlie, Los Amigos. Visit theabingtonjournal.com to see more photos from this event. (Ben Freda | Abington Journal)
Ben Freda | For Abington Journal
October is National Book Month. The monthlong celebration focuses on the importance of reading, writing and literature. It is also a time to honor the country’s best books and authors. Please stop into our library and find your favorite book to read again or expand your love of reading with a new author or subject. We have books and media for all ages.
Dalton Community Library enjoyed being a part of The Dalton Farm to Family Fest held Sept. 21 held at Streamside Park in Dalton. The library cohosted a table with Beta Bread and Los Amigos.
October is a busy month for our library. Please reserve these dates!
• On Thursday, Oct. 10 at 6:30 p.m., please join us for a free showing of the documentary “The Right to Read” at Lackawanna College. This event will be followed by an interactive panel discussion.
• On Oct. 19, Dalton Community Library’s Book and Bake Sale will be held from noon to 2 p.m. Your support is greatly appreciated and benefits improvements and special programs for the library. We won’t be taking additional donations the month of October, as we need time to prepare for the sale and the cleanup afterward. Any donations going forward, after Oct. 31, will be greatly appreciated for our sale in the spring.
• On Thursday, Oct. 31, at 5 p.m., DCL will host Bingo for Teens. Those ages 12-17 are invited to attend.
• Our Kids’ Time and Young Adult programming began the first week of September and will last for eight weeks. The Kids’ Time group meets every Thursday from 4 to 5 p.m., and Young Adults 5 to 6 p.m.
• Saturday Spotlight book discussion group has returned from Summer hiatus. Our next discussion will be on Oct. 26. The Saturday Spotlight book read for October is “Heaven & Earth Grocery Store” by James McBride.
• The Dalton Bridge group meets every Tuesday from 10 a.m. to noon. Please feel free to join our group as new members are always welcome. The more the merrier!
If you have any questions regarding programs, hours of operation, etc. please call the library at 570-563-2014.
It’s officially fall, so take some time to enjoy the beautiful foliage. There are several beautiful hiking trails in this area or even in your own backyard. Take advantage of the cool temperatures and wonderful scents of the season.