CLARKS SUMMIT — During February’s Council meeting, Clarks Summit Police Chief Chris Yarns said that police officer Nelson Morales has been convicted of a stalking charge, which disqualifies him as a police officer in the state of Pennsylvania.

He said that Morales also has a PFA (protection from abuse) hearing, which will stay in effect until January 2027.

“Based on that, he’s (Morales) no longer available to perform duties as a police officer,” said Yarns.

Yarns added that Morales’ termination has already been prepared by the solicitor.

Council voted to terminate Morales from the Clarks Summit Police Department.

Also, Yarns announced that part-time police officer Tim McCoy resigned from the police department.

During the bids and quotations report, Council voted to accept the following bids, which were awarded by Municibid: 2014 Dodge Ram 3500 at $11,200; 1990 Gravely Tractor at $700; 1990 Billy Goat Vacuum at $130.

In other business, Council voted to appoint Bob Bennett for the TCC/Vacancy Board.