The Dalton Community Library’s Spring Book and Bake Sale was its most attended one.
Joe Soprano | Abington Journal
May is the month of promise and the sweet beginnings of summer. It is also the month of beauty, where we can appreciate the world around us.
First and foremost, we begin this month feeling thankful to the Dalton Community’s support for our Spring Book and Bake sale in April. It was the most attended book sale recorded at this library.
The Dalton Community Library wants to thank everyone who donated books, baked items for the sale, helped with preparation and clean-up. Most importantly, thanks to those of you who attended the sale to support the library. A special thank you to the local businesses Beta Bread, Bailey’s and McGrath’s for their generous donations.
It is through the Dalton Community’s support that we continue to present special programs and continually add new items to our collections that make this library special.
Participation in the Kids’ Time and Young Adult programs has been well-attended this spring. The programs will go into the second week of May. Stay tuned for more spring/summer programming, and summer reading will be starting up in mid-June for children and adults.
Please watch our Dalton Facebook page and LCLS calendar for upcoming programs that will be added in the future.
This past Friday we had a follow-up presentation of the deer tick program that was originally held last November by the PA Deer Tick Research Lab from East Stroudsburg University.
We had an impressive turnout and want to especially thank Aileen and Jessica for their interesting and informational program.
Saturday Spotlight will be meeting May 18 this month from 10:30 a.m. to Noon.
The reading selection for this month is “Dial A for Aunties” by Jesse Q. Sutanto. Saturday Spotlight will be going on hiatus for the summer and will reconvene on Sept. 28. We will be reading “The Covenant of Water” by Andrew Verghese for the month of September. Happy Reading!
Our flower fundraiser has been well received and flower baskets will be ready for pick-up the Thursday or Friday before Mother’s Day. We will be in contact with those of you that purchased flower baskets for the details.
Our Tuesday Bridge Group meets every Tuesday 10 a.m. to noon and will continue thru the summer months. Please feel free to join us if you are a beginner or experienced player. Newcomers are always welcome.
Please keep reading our monthly Abington Journal and Dalton Facebook for details on upcoming events. You can also call and inquire at the library 570-563-2014.
We hope everyone has a wonderful month!