Abington area students complete University of Success program at University of Scranton.
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Abington area students complete University of Success program at University of Scranton.

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SCRANTON — Sixteen high school students graduated from The University of Scranton’s University of Success program, a multi-year, academic and enrichment program that is designed for high school students to develop the skills needed to successfully gain acceptance to college. Fifteen have committed to post-secondary schools to continue their education, with six graduates planning to attend The University of Scranton.

The University of Success, offered free of charge to participants, is funded almost entirely by corporate and foundation grants. Donors to the program include Dime Bank, Fidelity Bank, Charles A. Frueauff Foundation, Carl and JoAnne Kuehner, Overlook Estate Foundation, Peoples Security Bank and Trust, PPL Foundation, Lisa A. Thomas, M.D., and Waste Management.

Students enter the University of Success at the completion of the eighth grade and continue through their four years of high school. The program offers enrichment courses in study skills, SAT prep, public speaking, math, science, art and cultural activities, as well as financial aid and wellness seminars.

2024 University of Success graduate Mariella McCue, Clarks Summit, who graduated from Abington Heights High School, plans to attend The University of Scranton as a participant of the University’s Frank P. Corcione Business Honors Program;

2024 University of Success graduate Lizzy Novak, Scott Township, who graduated from Lakeland High School, plans to attend Empire Beauty School and major in cosmetology.