Ten students from East Stroudsburg University ‘s chapter of MANA, joined MANA’s 50th anniversary celebration from Oct. 3-5 in Washington, D.C.
                                 Submitted Photo

Ten students from East Stroudsburg University ‘s chapter of MANA, joined MANA’s 50th anniversary celebration from Oct. 3-5 in Washington, D.C.

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<p>University of Scranton Presidential Scholar Lainey A. Conway, left, and the Rev. Joseph Marina, S.J., president of The University of Scranton.</p>
                                 <p>Submitted Photo</p>

University of Scranton Presidential Scholar Lainey A. Conway, left, and the Rev. Joseph Marina, S.J., president of The University of Scranton.

Submitted Photo

<p>University of Scranton undergraduate students and faculty members presented research studies at the Eastern Pennsylvania/Delaware Section of the Mathematical Association of America’s Conference and the 2024 New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania Section Conference of the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics in early November. At a recent Mathematics Club meeting are, from left: University students Ryan Lavelle; Ashlyn Urbanski, Mathematics Club secretary; Alexander Dolce, Bernard Scott, Miriam Vandewater, Mathematics Club treasurer, and Nicolas Hipolito, Mathematics Club president.</p>
                                 <p>Submitted Photo</p>

University of Scranton undergraduate students and faculty members presented research studies at the Eastern Pennsylvania/Delaware Section of the Mathematical Association of America’s Conference and the 2024 New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania Section Conference of the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics in early November. At a recent Mathematics Club meeting are, from left: University students Ryan Lavelle; Ashlyn Urbanski, Mathematics Club secretary; Alexander Dolce, Bernard Scott, Miriam Vandewater, Mathematics Club treasurer, and Nicolas Hipolito, Mathematics Club president.

Submitted Photo


Hazleton student contributes research to Voter Education Exhibition

READING — Altagracia Garcia, Hazleton, contributed a research poster for the Media and Politics Class Voter Education Exhibition displayed in the Miller Gallery at Alvernia University.

Dr. Jodi Radosh, professor of communication and digital media, and Dr. Victoria Williams, professor of political science, who co-teach the class, facilitated and fact-checked this project, which sought to educate the campus community about the importance of voting and media literacy during the election season.

The interactive exhibition highlighted various facets of political media and the importance of informed voting, aiming to equip students with the tools to navigate today’s complex media landscape. The display featured in-depth posters created by each student to highlight the presidential candidates’ takes on pressing issues. It also had different marketing materials and posters from each candidate, custom Alvernia “vote” pins and a selfie station with different props that encouraged voting.


Mountain Top resident earns dean’s list honor

SUMMERDALE — Patricia Searfoss, Mountain Top, was named to the Central Penn College dean’s list for the summer 2024 term. Searfoss is majoring in business administration.

Of the students who took classes, 39% made the dean’s list. To qualify, an undergraduate student must carry six or more credits and earn a grade-point average of 3.5 or better for the term.


Local student gains experience during MLB Little League Classic

Abbey Hengst, Drums, was one of 20 Commonwealth University students who attended the MLB Little League Classic in Williamsport to volunteer during game-day operations.

During this experience, the volunteers were able to participate at Journey Bank Ballpark at Historic Bowman Field, which opened in 1926 and was renovated in 2017 to fit the scale of a Major League Baseball field. This year marks the eighth year of the MLB Little League Classic.

Students named to PSAC Scholar Athlete List

Nearly 600 Commonwealth University student-athletes were named to the 2023-24 Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference (PSAC) Scholar-Athlete award list.

Local students include:

• Nate Baranski, Larksville — Bloomsburg campus.

• Jordan Bond, Dallas — Bloomsburg campus.

• Jeremy Cawley, Duryea — Bloomsburg campus.

• Cole Coolbaugh, Wyoming — Bloomsburg campus.

• Kaelyn Crawford, Hunlock Creek — Mansfield campus.

• Gianna Gombeda, Hazle Township — Bloomsburg campus.

• Abbey Hengst, Drums — Bloomsburg campus.

• Christopher Hine, Plains Township — Lock Haven campus.

• Kennedie Huber, Mountain Top — Bloomsburg campus.

• Thomas Iskra, Wilkes-Barre — Bloomsburg campus.

• Sydney Lloyd, Nescopeck — Bloomsburg campus.

• Livia Moore, — Luzerne — Bloomsburg campus.

• Mia Nemeth, Drums — Bloomsburg campus.

• Jacquline Nevel Nescopeck — Bloomsburg campus.

• Madeline Newman, Dallas — Bloomsburg campus.

• Ryan Petrosky, Mountain Top — Bloomsburg campus.

• Chase Purdy, Sweet Valley — Bloomsburg campus.

• Ellie Rowe, Nescopeck — Bloomsburg campus.

• Espefani Santos-Soto, Hazelton — Lock Haven campus.

• Emily Smith, Dallas — Mansfield campus.

• Allie Stover, Mountain Top — Lock Haven campus.

• Carly Wywoda, Dupont — Mansfield campus.

Student-athletes must maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.25 upon completion of the academic year to be eligible for the PSAC Scholar-Athlete Award.

Overall, the PSAC honored 4,036 student-athletes from the league’s 18 institutions after the conclusion of the 2023-24 academic year as PSAC Scholar-Athletes.

The 2023-24 PSAC Scholar-Athlete total of 4,036 (52% of the entire PSAC student-athlete population) marks the ninth straight year the PSAC has awarded at least 40% of its student-athlete population with “Scholar-Athlete” status. The total number of PSAC Scholar-Athletes increased from 2022-23’s total by 199.


ESU’s MANA Chapter Joins 50th Anniversary Celebration in Washington, D.C.

EAST STROUDSBURG — Ten students from ESU’s chapter of MANA, A National Latina Organization, joined MANA’s 50th anniversary celebration from Oct. 3-5 in Washington, D.C., where they honored their heritage, strengthened their confidence and were further motivated to drive positive change in their communities.

The following local students were among the ten East Stroudsburg University students who attended MANA’s 50th anniversary celebration:

• Richermy Batista, Hazleton.

• Arianna Cruz, Wilkes-Barre.

• Maria Heredia Rojas, Hazleton.

Established as a student organization in 2023, the university’s MANA chapter advances the organization’s mission of empowering Latinas through leadership, education and advocacy.

Highlights of the three-day experience included a tour of the White House and a private educational session at the U.S. Department of Education, where they learned about issues affecting Hispanic communities nationwide. The anniversary celebration concluded with a festival on the National Mall.

Austin Blank helps coordinate philanthropic pickleball tournament

EAST STROUDSBURG — ESU students taking the Sport Management Organization and Administration class, including Austin Blank, Glen Lyon, hosted a philanthropic pickleball tournament on Oct. 17, 2024, on campus at the Mattioli Recreation Center.

The event featured 32 teams and collected over 250 donated items to benefit the Warrior Food Pantry. Designed as a fun and competitive initiative, the tournament provided an opportunity for ESU students and staff to come together while raising awareness and support for local community needs. The top three teams were awarded prizes, with the champions receiving custom championship rings.


Erfman Inducted Into Phi Eta Sigma

ELMIRA, N.Y. — Kaylee Erfman, Pittston, was one of 22 students recently inducted in the Elmira College chapter of Phi Eta Sigma, the International Honor Society rewarding first-collegiate-year scholarship.

Phi Eta Sigma, the oldest and largest first-year honor society, was founded in 1923 at the University of Illinois. The goal of the honor society is to encourage and reward academic excellence among full-time, first-year students in institutions of higher learning. The Society has established chapters in over 350 institutions of higher learning in the United States. Elmira College is the 289th chapter, established in 1990.


Dallas resident awarded degree

DAVENPORT, Iowa — Olivia Evans, Dallas, graduated with a Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic’s Florida Campus in Port Orange, Florida, on Sept. 27, 2024.


Plymouth student earns degree

ADELPHI, Md. — Ann Keppel, Plymouth, earned a Master of Science in environmental management from University of Maryland Global Campus in summer 2024.

Keppel was one of more than 3,200 students worldwide who earned degrees from UMGC in the summer 2024 term.


Swoyersville student participates in Competitive ROTC Program

SCRANTON — Caleb A. Grossman, Swoyersville was among the 16 University of Scranton ROTC cadets who traveled throughout the United States and internationally as participants in military leadership programs offered during the summer months.

Scranton cadet Grossman, an international studies major, participated in Project Go and traveled to Kyrgyzstan to study Russian.

Project GO is a nationwide, highly selective program open to all qualified ROTC students that offers fully-funded opportunities in critical language education, overseas study and cross-cultural experience. Through Project GO, future military officers develop linguistic and cross-cultural communication skills required for effective leadership for all services in the 21st century operational environment.

Mountain Top student named Presidential Scholar

SCRANTON — Lainey A. Conway, Mountain Top, is among the eleven students from its class of 2028 awarded four-year, full-tuition Presidential Scholarships.

Presidential Scholarships are awarded to incoming first-year students with outstanding records in high school and notable community involvement. The scholarship covers four years of full tuition provided that the student maintains at least a 3.25 grade point average.

Conway graduated as valedictorian from Holy Redeemer High School. A member of the National Honor Society, she received the Presidential Volunteer Service Award and the American Legion Auxiliary Youth Hero Award. She was student director of the Luzerne County Youth Advisory Committee. She was named a scholastic superstar by the Citizens’ Voice and received the “Key to the City” from the City of Wilkes-Barre for her lifesaving efforts involving a bus and its driver. She was also an active member of the Geisinger Youth Volunteer Program. A member of the University’s Magis Honors Program in STEM, Conway will major in biochemistry, cell and molecular biology. She is the daughter of Joseph and Stacy Conway.

Conway is also among the 11 outstanding members of The University of Scranton’s class of 2028 who entered its Magis Honors Program in STEM. One of Scranton’s five programs of excellence, the Magis Honors Program combines the development of STEM knowledge and research techniques with programing to further the students’ understanding of the impact science has on society.

Pittston student presents research project at mathematics conferences

SCRANTON — Ashlyn Urbanski, Pittston, was among the University of Scranton undergraduate students majoring in mathematics and computer science, who, along with faculty from the Mathematics Department, presented research at multi-state regional conferences.

The research was conducted with faculty advisor Joseph Klobusicky, Ph.D., assistant professor of mathematics, during the summers of 2023 and 2024 and was supported by grants from NASA and the National Science Foundation (NSF) Launching Early-Career Academic Pathways in Mathematical and Physical Sciences (LEAPS-MPS).

Urbanski, a neuroscience and mathematical sciences double major presented “Turning function for regular polygons.” She is also a recipient of the University’s full-tuition Presidential Scholarship.