Darrius Pantophlet will portray Martin Luther King, Jr., and Shanay Figueroa will portray Camae.

Darrius Pantophlet will portray Martin Luther King, Jr., and Shanay Figueroa will portray Camae.

<p>“The Mountaintop” is directed by Charisse Peaten and Mark Fryer; Harry Adelman and Jeff Ginsberg are producers; Cathy Rist Strauch is publicist, assisted by Jessi Teevan.</p>

“The Mountaintop” is directed by Charisse Peaten and Mark Fryer; Harry Adelman and Jeff Ginsberg are producers; Cathy Rist Strauch is publicist, assisted by Jessi Teevan.

The Actors Circle presents “The Mountaintop” by American playwright Katori Hall at Providence Playhouse, 1256 Providence Road, Scranton.

The play is a fictional depiction of Martin Luther King Jr.’s last night on earth set entirely in Room 306 of the Lorraine Motel on the eve of his assassination in 1968.

Show dates are Jan. 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21 and 22. Showtime will be at 7 p.m. on Thursdays, 8 p.m. on Saturdays and 2 p.m. on Sundays.

Tickets are $15 for general admission, $12 for seniors and $10 for students. All tickets for the Jan. 12 show will be $10.

Call 570-342-9707 for reservations.

The show is presented in association with the Greater Scranton MLK Commission, Cathy Hardaway, committee chairperson. Special grants were received from the Lackawanna County for the Arts and Culture and The Scranton Area Community Foundation.