The Scranton Chapter of UNICO National began its annual coat drive with the contribution of Fidelity Bank of Dunmore’s $3500 donation earmarked for the needy students in the NativityMiguel School. Accepting the donation on behalf of Scranton UNICO was coat drive chair Diana Giovanini and chapter president Mike Linko. Coat donations will be accepted at Friends of the Poor at 240 E Elm Street, Scranton on Tuesdays or Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.. For more information, call 570-430-7373. From left, Ron Prislupski, NativityMiguel president; Diana Giovanini, coat drive chair; Mike Linko, chapter president; Kathy Solsman, Fidelity Bank supervisor; Tim O’Brien, Fidelity Bank senior vice president; and Lou Dimattio, Scranton Chapter UNICO.
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The Scranton Chapter of UNICO National began its annual coat drive with the contribution of Fidelity Bank of Dunmore’s $3500 donation earmarked for the needy students in the NativityMiguel School. Accepting the donation on behalf of Scranton UNICO was coat drive chair Diana Giovanini and chapter president Mike Linko. Coat donations will be accepted at Friends of the Poor at 240 E Elm Street, Scranton on Tuesdays or Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.. For more information, call 570-430-7373. From left, Ron Prislupski, NativityMiguel president; Diana Giovanini, coat drive chair; Mike Linko, chapter president; Kathy Solsman, Fidelity Bank supervisor; Tim O’Brien, Fidelity Bank senior vice president; and Lou Dimattio, Scranton Chapter UNICO.